Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged and swollen reddish blue or dark purple coloured veins that appear just beneath the skin. Varicose veins are a common medical condition. Varicose is formed whenever blood pressure increases inside the veins, it may weaken or damage vein valves and walls. Varicose occurs because of decreased blood flow from lower limbs to the heart. Mostly varicose happens in legs, feet and calves area. Many times varicose veins can cause severe pain and discomfort. Sometimes this varicose can lead to more-serious problems.

Signs and symptoms of Varicose Veins:

  • Uncomfortable or heavy feelings, burning sensation and pain in the legs.
  • Twisted and bulging veins, just like a cord.
  • Discoloration of skin (dark purple or blue) in veins.
  • Itching or dry skin around veins.

Causes of Varicose Veins

Age Factor: The valves in the veins of a person may weaken with the advancing of age.

Family History: A person is more likely to get varicose veins. If one of his immediate family members has been diagnosed with this.

Overweight: Obesity or excess of weight puts pressure and load on veins. It may lead to rupture or damage it causing varicose veins.

Venaseal Closure System

Fortunately with the advancement of medical science, there are many effective treatments available to cure varicose veins; and among all of them ‘Venaseal Closure System’ a simple outpatient procedure.

Amongst the many techniques for varicose veins treatment, venaseal closure system is the latest treatment option. The venaseal closure system is a non-surgical outpatient procedure. It is a treatment method approved for treating varicose veins by USFDA. Older patients in whom varicose has developed in the advanced stage and which cannot be treated through endovenous laser treatment for them venaseal closure system is a real boon.

How it works

A small amount of a medically formulated special adhesive is used to seal, or close the diseased vein, and safely rerouting blood to nearby healthy veins, thus providing relief from varicose veins.


Step 1: Adhesive Placed – A medical expert inserts a syringe filled with the medically formulated glue into a dispensing gun attached to the catheter. The catheter is then guided into the problematic vein and the glue is transported inside.

Step 2: Pressure Applied – Compression is applied to the affected leg to help seal the vein.

Step 3: Catheter Removed – The small catheter is removed from the vein.

Step 4: Bandage Applied – A small bandage is applied to the access site.

Like in other heat-based treatments, venaseal closure system does not require multiple anaesthesia. After the venaseal procedure the patients return to normal activities mostly on the same day.

Why choose Venaseal Closure System

No hospitalisation, quick recovery period, painless and safe, US FDA approved, back to normal routine on the same day. Treatment of two or more veins in one sitting. After the venaseal procedure it is reported that patients have experienced minimal pain, bruising and burning sensation.

Side Effects of Venaseal Procedure?

Disadvantages or side effects of the venaseal closure system are almost negligible.

Unlikely the treated veins may become inflamed and require anti-Inflammatories and time to settle, but in comparison to other procedures such cases in venaseal is almost nil. Venaseal is more expensive than other methods of treatment.

Is Venaseal suitable for all patients?

The venaseal closure system is not suitable for all varicose veins patients. For patients who want to opt for venaseal procedure; an evaluation by the medical team is required to suggest the suitability. Currently venaseal is not recommended for; paediatric patients, pregnant women, superficial thrombophlebitis, hypersensitive to cyanoacrylates.

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