
Endovenous laser ablation is an advanced and effective treatment for varicose veins. In this method no surgery is required. In simple words this is a treatment by laser, which is simply a highly concentrated beam of light. In this method the abnormal veins are heated by a laser. (EVLA)  is a method, which closes varicose veins, restoring proper blood circulation thus causing the damaged veins to disappear over the course of a few weeks.

Endovenous laser ablation treatment is a minimally invasive method in which catheters, lasers, and ultrasound is used to treat varicose veins. It does not require hospitalization. EVLA for the elimination of varicose veins has become the gold standard in varicose vein treatment.

What does EVLA procedure Involves

An ultrasound scan of the veins are performed and the damaged veins to be treated are highlighted with a pen. Patient is made to lie on a couch, his/her leg is cleaned and covered with drapes. Based on which veins are to be treated, the patient will be on his back or front. All these steps are guided by ultrasound scanning.

Literally endovenous means inside the vein, so the next step the doctor will do is to get inside the vein. Local anaesthetic of small amounts is injected into the skin over the vein and a needle is inserted into it. A wire is directed through the needle and passed up to the vein. The needle is removed and a catheter, a thin plastic tube is guided over the wire, up to the vein and then the wire is removed.

A laser fibre is passed up the catheter so its tip lies at the highest point to be heated. A large quantity of local anaesthetic solution is then injected around the vein through multiple tiny needle pricks. The laser is then fired up and pulled down the vein over about 5 minutes. If you’re having both legs treated the process is repeated on the other leg. The laser and catheter are removed and the needle puncture is covered with a small dressing. The treatment takes about an hour.

Side effects of EVLA?

Laser offers less risk or complications than conventional surgery. Serious complications after EVLA are very rare. But few side effects can be seen after this laser treatment for varicose veins.

Thrombophlebitis: The treated vein can also become hard and lumpy as some blood clot forms within them. This clot is not dangerous and your body will naturally absorb it over a few weeks.

Nerve damage: Nerves are just beside the veins, it may also get damage by the heat of the laser beam. These will usually resolve over a few weeks.

Benefits of EVLA

Patients may choose EVLA over a surgical option due to the following benefits:

  • Chance of recurrence of varicose veins is very low.
  • Complication rate or chance is low or less.
  • No or less painful.
  • Result in just an hour.

After the Procedure – Recovery

You can return to most normal activities, but you will need to wear compression stockings for two weeks after the procedure.  Some people can experience bruising, tenderness or swelling after the procedure.

These side effects can be reduced or prevented by wearing the compression stockings as directed.

Is EVLA suitable for all?

Mostly, EVLA is suitable for almost all patients. But the vein specialist will decide on the treatment method after medical evaluation.


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