Advanced Technology Used To Pulverize Calcium From The Artery

58yrs, Male admitted for PTCA with a highly calcified LAD artery showing 90% blockage and another 90% blockage in its side branch.

Highly calcified artery makes angioplasty very challenging as calcium present in the arteries doesn’t allow the stent to expand. The patient underwent Rota Ablation with a OCT Guided PTCA by Dr Ankur Phatarpekar.

Rota Ablation is a technique in which a burr rotating at very high speed drill is used to pulverize calcium unblocking the artery.

To know the right position of the stent we use a technique called OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) which helps us to decide the exact placement, sizing and apposition to ensure proper expansion of stent providing long term result.

With the availability of both the technologies we could achieve a very challenging Angioplasty at Masina Heart Institute.

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