Can Heart Failure Be Prevented?


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People often get confuse between heart failure and heart attack. Many think that both these are the same, while they are quite different from one another. Though it is known as ‘heart failure,’ yet it does not indicate that the heart has stopped working or it has failed. It is a medical emergency in which the heart is not able to pump an adequate amount of blood for meeting the needs of the body for blood and oxygen.

You might feel tired even on walking a few steps. There might be abnormal abdominal bloating or even leg swelling. These are hints that the heart is not able to pump enough blood for reaching the organs and muscles in the body. Usually, such things and symptoms are ignored and reach a stage when it gets difficult to carry out even the basic activities of life.

The best thing is that the body gives clear signals for heart failure, and one has to be just careful in understanding the same. Also, it is possible to prevent heart failure by maintaining certain things. Mentioned below are some things which help in preventing heart failure:

Get Some Exercise Every day Regularly
Risk of heart diseases, including that of heart failure, can be reduced greatly if you get some exercise every day. If the exercise regimen is combined with other lifestyle measures like maintaining right and healthy weight, much better results can be obtained.

Physical exercises and activities help in controlling weight along with reducing chances of developing other conditions which might strain the heart. Some of these conditions include high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure levels, and diabetes, and so on.

Moderate exercising, like walking for about 30 minutes at a brisk pace on all weekdays, is highly recommended. If you are into vigorous exercising, you can reduce the period and the numbers of days in the week as well. Activities like housekeeping, walking the dog, taking the stairs, gardening, etc. are also included.

Quit Smoking or Use of Tobacco
When you want to take preventive steps for heart failure or heart diseases in general, it is recommended to quit smoking or stop using tobacco in any form. This is a great risk factor for developing heart ailments.

Tobacco has harmful components, which can damage the blood vessels and the heart. Arteries can be narrowed due to plaque buildup, which is known as atherosclerosis in medical terms. This might be a leading cause of heart failure or even a heart attack.

Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which replaces partial oxygen in the blood and increases the blood pressure, which in turn increases the heartbeat rate. Thus, additional strain is put on the heart for pumping oxygenated blood.

Maintain a Healthy BMI Weight
Being overly weight increases the chances of all kinds of heart diseases, including that of heart failure. The problem is more when the excess weight is carried around the waist area. Excess weight indicates towards conditions, which raise the chances of heart ailments manifold times.

These conditions include the likes of high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure levels, and diabetes. The metabolic syndrome, which is the combination of high blood pressure, fat around the belly area, high triglyceride levels, and high blood sugar – also raises the chances of various kinds of heart diseases.

To check if you have a healthy weight, calculate your body mass index (BMI). Both the height and weight of the person is determined through this for understanding body fat. BMI reading of 25 or more is dangerous and a warning sign for heart health. However, do not rely on BMI only. In that case, you must check waist circumference.

Consume Heart-Healthy Diet
Heart ailments like heart attacks and heart failure can be significantly controlled by consuming a heart-healthy diet. Two instances of heart-healthy food plans include the Mediterranean diet and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension eating plan.

It is recommended to choose a diet, which abounds in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as these protect the heart. You can also include items like fat-free or low-fat dairy products, beans, fish, and lean meats in your heart-healthy diet. Refrain from consuming too many salts and sugars in the diet. It is also important to limit certain kinds of fats for a healthy heart.

Avoid or restrict consuming trans-fat and saturated fat. Include foods with healthy fats in your diet, which are plant-based sources. These include nuts, olive oil, olives, avocado, etc.

Manage Stress Effectively
Stress is a major contributor to all kinds of problems in our life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. You might not know, but stress can be a leading cause of heart failure. Effectively dealing with stress is very important.

Majority of people take to unhealthy ways of dealing with stress like drinking, binge eating, smoking, etc. There are many other ways of coping with stress. Try indulging in activities which help in taking off the stress from you. These might include reading, listening to music, painting, gardening, playing, or any other kind of activity.

Meditation with yoga is proven to be highly effective in reducing stress. People who can manage their stress better can be free from heart diseases.

Getting Adequate Sleep is Essential
Sleep is essential for a healthy mind and a healthy body. Sleep deprivation can cause various kinds of health hazards, including heart failure and even heart attack. People who have less amount of sleep suffer from issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart attack, as well as depression.

Ensuring 7-9 hours of sleep is vital for an adult. There should be a sleeping schedule which you must follow. Also, be careful that you don’t have obstructive sleep apnea. If you snore too much or get up gasping for some breath, it is time that you go to a doctor and seek treatment.

Along with all these things, it is crucial to get regular health screenings. This will help in keeping you aware of your health condition, including your heart health so that you can take necessary steps as and when needed.

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